Product details:
TRUE BACK is natural, drug free, convenient and affordable. Treatments take only a few minutes and can be performed in the comfort of one’s home, office or workplace, without disrobing. TRUE BACK is officially listed as a nonpowered orthopaedic traction device. TRUE BACK relieves the body of daily stress, tension and discomfort. The thirty suspension points moulded into the centre rails support your body weight and create pressure to the muscles which are located each side of the spine (musculoskeletal system). The pressure enables the muscles to relax which increases blood flow. While lying on TRUE BACK the individual is passively stretched in opposite directions while being supported in the correct position. Stretching is natural, just take a look at a dog or cat when they wake up, their natural instinct is to stretch. TRUE BACK should not be considered for ONLY correcting problems and rehabilitation; it is also very effective at PREVENTING possible problems.