Virkon S Disinfectant and Virucide 10 lbs XXMF_H0TA25

$91.31  $57.64

Product details:

Virkon S Powder is a broad spectrum veterinary disinfectant that is effective when in solution at low temperatures hard water on porous surfaces and in the presence of organice matter. Starts killing bacteria in 5 min with tough to kill parvovirus killed in 10 min or less. Virkon S the premier broad spectrum virucidal veterinary disinfectant is recognized by industry and governments worldwide as a disinfectant of choice for livestock disease prevention and control. Virkon S has a unique formulation; no other disinfectant has the same powerful composition. In terms of efficacy Virkon S has been proven highly effective against 65 strains of virus in over 19 viral families 400 strains of bacteria and over 100 strains of fungi. This list of proven efficacy includes the major OIE List A diseases of concern; Avian Influenza (H5N1) Newcastle Disease Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera) and Foot and Mouth Disease. Independently proven effective on porous surfaces in hard water at low temperatures and in the presence of organic challenge. Readily soluble in tap water Virkon S dissolves into a pink solution. An environmentally acceptable product with an exceptional safety profile towards man and animals when used and disposed of as instructed on the label. Transport and storage - being a powdered disinfectant formulation Virkon S can be swiftly transported by air and can be stored for long periods making it the ideal choice for stockpiling in bulk.